Stocky Man Jogging with a Smile. How can obese men gain the same motivation?

Obese to Beast: Guide to Gaining Workout Confidence

Hey, big guy! We see you and we understand how you feel. You're carrying around a lot of extra weight, and it's not doing you any good. You're feeling sluggish and self-conscious of your body. You don't feel like you can do anything about it.

But we’re here to tell you that you can do something about it. In fact, there’s a lot you can do about it. It’s not going to be a walk in the park, but with a bit of hard work and dedication, you can be on your way to a better confident self and strong body. What’s stopping you though?

We know the answer and it has to do with your self-confidence and drive. This may pill to swallow but it’s the truth and you have to eventually get over it to become a better and more confident version of yourself. Self-confidence issues are a common struggle amongst many obese men out there. Trust us when we say you are not alone in this. We want to help and change that to make obese men feel better and exude confidence no matter where they are.

In this guide, we’ll give you the starting points on how to gain confidence and get your body healthier.

Shift your Mentality

First thing first, you will need to have a mentality shift (if you are not already in the correct mindset). Our mindset and thinking drives our body, ergo, you will need to control over your own mind to change your body. Studies have shown that small shifts in your thinking can effect positive physiological changes in your system.

You see, the most common and biggest challenge for most obese people is getting over that initial hump: making the decision to change and start working out. And I’m not just talking about getting in shape; I’m talking about gaining the confidence and motivation to even start working out in the first place.

There are multiple factors and internal questions that makes you hesitate to start working out. “Is my body capable of the workout?”, “People are going to laugh at me when I walk into the gym.” “What if I don’t see changes?”. 

We’re here to tell you the simple solution to these doubts. Making positive affirmations for confidence. Think about it, if all you tell yourself are negative things, you will turn out pessimistic. Now flip the script and play the confidence game. You will never know until you try. Don’t assume how people will judge you in the gym. There is nothing more uplifting and beautiful in watching someone take charge of their lives and begin their journey to a better health. (Most of the time, no one is even watching you).

We were all fat or skinny once. Everyone has to start somewhere. Just like how we crawl before we learn how to walk, you need to start exercising before getting fit. You have to want it bad enough and be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to see real results. 

Don’t wait for some external catalyst to change you. Nobody is going to do it for you. It’s your life and your body, hence your responsibility. Throw out any negative doubts and think of positive affirmations instead. 

How To Feel Confident in Your Skin

So you’ve made the decision to start working out. Congratulations, you’re already on your way to becoming a beast! But before you can start pounding the pavement or pumping some iron, there are a few things you need to do to get yourself in the right headspace.

First and foremost, you need to accept your current condition and not be delusional about it. We are not saying you have to absolutely love your body, but you do need to be able to look in the mirror and not feel disgusted with what you seeno matter how much weight you have to lose . This means accepting your body and understanding that the choices you have made have let you here. Key point; don’t start hating your body. Your body is your vessel and a captain that hates the vessel will not be able to commandeer it to its full potential. 

However, loving your body and feeling confident in your own skin is no excuse to live a unhealthy lifestyle. It may be your own body, but being unhealthy may be a disservice to your family and friends in the long run.

Common things that most men do to achieve self-confidence;

  • Revamping their wardrobe to create a new look
  • Start working out or playing new sports
  • Focusing their energy on hobbies that they love
  • Finding a like-minded group of people they can fall back on

Once you’ve got that sorted out, it’s time to focus on your diet. You don’t have to quit cold turkey and go on a huge starve, or go vegan, but simply avoiding junk food will help your body feel healthier, lighter and more active. Next find out how many calories that you normally consume per day. Compare that to the total calories you actually need each day and you will know how much calories you need to cut out of your daily routine. Here’s a website that can help calculate it for you.

Cool tip, make small healthier substitutions and find one that suits you. Not everyone loves consuming green vegetables and eating poke bowls. There are plenty of options out there (You just need to Google it). No point in eating “healthy” food that makes you feel like shit. Being comfortable with your new diet is what will make it stick in the long run.

The Next Steps To Take

After acknowledging that you need to make a change, you will need to set realistic goals and how you plan to achieve it. Unrealistic goals will only lead to misery and disappointment. It also means being honest with yourself about your weight and health, and accepting that things need to change. Don’t delude yourself and live in a dream. 

We recommend taking these actions;

  1. Going for a health check up. Knowing your starting point helps you to analyze which areas you need to improve on.
  2. Start exercising. It does not even have to be at a gym. Run at the park or play a sport. If you can’t run, walk. If you hate exercise, find a sport that interests you. Just do an activity that is out of your old schedule. 
  3. Create a routine. As the old adage goes, he who fails to plan, plans to fail. Don’t just make things up as you go, that is a sure-fire way to fail. Developing a schedule minimizes the thought-process in your head. You will have less time to make excuses or “forget” to work-out. 

Here are a few tips to remember;

  • Start by making small changes. This might mean eating healthier foods or cutting down on junk food. It might also mean starting to exercise, even if it’s just a few minutes at first.
  • Finding a support system. This could be family, friends, or a fitness community online or in person. Surrounding yourself with positive people who are supportive will help you stay on track and achieve your goals.
  • Reward yourself once in awhile. Go out with your friends, watch a movie, read a book or spend an evening playing games. It’s important to let loose sometimes. 

Sometimes You Just Don't Feel Like It

There WILL be days when you just don’t feel like working out and that all these changes is pointless. Trust us, it is normal. Everyone feels like that from time to time and it can be tough to find the drive to work through it. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! 

Firstly, don’t put yourself down. This is a common issue that not only obese people go through. People from all walks of life go through the same thing. Be it for a workout, study, relationship, or work. Believe in yourself and believe in the endgame (p.s. great movie, sorry about the segue).

Secondly, stick to your routine and be disciplined. Remember that schedule you have planned in the beginning. Follow it, even if you have to drag yourself through one of the shittiest workout you ever experienced. Because at the end of the day, you will happy and proud of yourself that you fought through the dullness and pain. Eventually the small things ripple into big effects.

And if all fails, use this method. Remind yourself of your accomplishments up to that moment. Even the small ones like losing a pound or being able to avoid sugary drinks every Friday. As corny as this line might be, it still rings true; ‘Every step you take brings you closer to your goal’. 

Tips & Tricks To Be More Comfortable

Being a newcomer to any place always feels abit unsettling. It takes time to get used to it. Here are a few tips and tricks to make the gym a more comfortable place for you.

1. Have the right clothes. Working out in jeans and a T-shirt isn’t going to be very comfortable, so make sure you have the proper workout clothes. This includes a good pair of sneakers, sweatpants and a sweatshirt, or whatever else you feel most comfortable working out in.

2. Choose the right gym for you. Not all gyms are created equal. Small things like lighting and crowds can affect you. If you’re not comfortable at one, try another until you find one that feels like a second home.

3. Bring a friend. Having someone there with you will make feel more at home. If you have no one to bring, make a friend. A smile always helps!

4. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! It’s so important to stay hydrated when working out, especially if it’s hot outside. Always have a bottle with you.

5. Take it slow. If you’re new to working out, start off slow and gradually increase the intensity as your body gets used to it. Don’t be intimidated by others lifting heavier weights. Everyone has to start somewhere!

Hate Lifting Weights? What Else Can I Do?

Sometimes, lifting weights is just not for you. Like everything else in life, there are things you love and things you hate. The key is to find out what suits you. In a way, it is journey to discover your true-self. 

Good news is that there isn’t just one way to workout. You can do body-weight exercises, yoga, run, swim. Not to mention the hundreds of different sports available today. If the exercise is just too boring for you, try a change of scenery. By that we mean hiking trails through nature forests, mountain hiking or even having a run by the beach. 

Remember there is more than one way to get to your fitness goals. We hope that this guide kicks off your journey of self-discovery, discipline and most importantly beastly confidence!

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