Spoken Like a True Gentleman

Communication is a natural and essential part of everyone's life, whether you are extroverted or introverted. Some of us sound confident and charming amongst family and friends but timid as a mouse in a different setting. The real question is, How do you speak like a true gentleman?

What makes one a gentleman when conversing? Is it the words he uses, or the tone of his voice? Perhaps it is his gaze and body posture? The answer is not as difficult as it seems. It is the culmination of the above and the knowing how to discern where the conversation is heading. Grooming these qualities help shape the gentleman image.

Here are a few key things to remember that will help you to sound eloquent and polished, no matter what the situation. 

Importance of Good Conversation

Before we learn how to speak like our favorite charming secret spy agent 007 aka James Bond, here are two simple reasons why good verbal skills are necessary for young modern gents.

1. So that everyone understands you

Human beings talk and interact to convey our thoughts and ideas. Take for example a teacher. A teacher’s voice is used to instruct and teach students new concepts and topics. If the students cannot understand the teacher, how can they learn?

Moreover, words have multiple meanings. When combined together they form phrases and sentences that can be interpreted differently. That is the basis of literature. A confident speaker, knows how to get his point across without confusing the listener but a great conversationalist knows how to direct the flow of the conversation.

2. Helps with building rapport

Eloquent and polite conversation helps to portray charisma and respect to the people around you. A skill highly beneficial for networking in your career and also for your personal dating life. Knowing the correct moment to make a joke or what kind of questions to ask, makes people more comfortable and open. 

Additionally, no one likes to be talked down to or insulted, by being polite you can build a more personal bond with the person you are talking to. Isn’t that why best friends never seem to run out of things to talk about to each other?

4 Characteristics of a well-spoken man

1. Mutual respect

First and foremost, it is important to have an open and respectful outlook before engaging in conversation with someone. Use appropriate language and do not judge someone based on appearances or gossip alone. Always enter the conversation with a clean slate and never speak down or rudely to others. 

Even if you disagree with someone, try not to get angry or emotional. Doing so will cloud your judgement and may lead you to saying things you may regret. Instead, stay calm and steer the conversation away to a more comfortable topic. Remember, always stay classy and finally, don’t monopolize the conversation. Let the other person finish talking before giving your response.

2. Clarity & Tone of Speech

Next, be articulate and enunciate your words carefully. There’s nothing more frustrating for a listener when the person talking is mumbling or speaking to fast. In some cases, people tend to speak faster or very softly when they are nervous. If this applies to you, slow down your breathing and focus on your conversational partner (quick tip; try looking at their forehead) and speak slowly. Take each word one step at a time. Eventually, the conversation flows and you ease into it.

A gentleman will also be mindful of his tone of voice, ensuring it is never too intimidating or rude. The same can be said for the opposite too. If your tone of voice is too soft and mild, you are more likely to be relegated to the back and ignored. A proper balance is required to gain attention and command in the conversation.

3. Polite Body Language

Thirdly, your body language is huge part of your conversation skills. You can say all the nice words but if your facial expression is one of anger and your posture domineering, it will just make you sound fake and insincere. That itself will disqualify you of gentlemanly behavior.

Additionally, always maintain eye-contact with your conversational partner. It is very rude to look elsewhere when talking to someone. Lets check out the two images below. 

Right off the bat, can you tell which of them is more approachable? Common sense will tell you that the gentleman in the left photo is more approachable than the frowning man on the right. Even though both of them look happy, just by crossing his arms, the gentleman on the right portrays a less open stance.

So, when attempting to socialize, adopt an open stance and smile often. The more friendly and accommodating your first impression is, the less likely you are to scare away potential connections. Crossing your arms while holding a blank expression will defeat the purpose.

4. Choice of words

Last but not least, a exemplary man, will make sure to use appropriate language and avoid controversial topics. Why talk about sketchy subjects that make people uncomfortable? Always consider group that you are talking to and select the best anecdote or story to discuss. 

There is also no need for sophisticated words that the layman may not understand. Simple words that get your message across is more than sufficient. Also remember to use proper grammar and refrain from swearing which makes you sound crude and disrespectful.

Another pitfall most young men commit talking about themselves too much. We all love to talk about ourselves, but it can come across as arrogant and self-centered if you do it too much. Instead, try to ask your conversational partner about themselves, and show genuine interest in their responses.

Following these simple tips will ensure that you always sound like a classy man when conversing! Lastly, be yourself, and let your personality shine through. 

Can you sound vulgar & be a Gentleman?

Let’s move on to our next topic: can you sound vulgar and still be a gentleman? The answer, of course, is yes! But it’s important to follow the basic rules of a gentleman’s conversation style in order to pull it off correctly.

First and foremost, a proper man is always respectful. As mentioned before, he never speaks down to people or uses derogatory language. He also avoids bragging and talking about himself too much. Instead, he focuses on making others feel comfortable and interesting.

That doesn’t mean he can’t let loose and have a little fun, though! A true gentleman knows how to loosen up and enjoy himself without crossing the line into vulgarity. Words alone do not make up your characteristics. The manner they are delivered plays a part. So go ahead and crack a few jokes, just make sure they’re in good taste. As long as you stay respectful and courteous, you’ll always be considered a true gentleman.

How to not interrupt other people?

Now, what happens if you are by personality an excited and extremely extroverted young man. Chances are, you often will make this mistake. Below are a few tips to avoid interrupting others.

When having a conversation, it’s important to remember that it takes two to tango. Overwhelming the conversation makes it difficult for the other person to get their point across. Take a moment to pause to allow the other person to respond.

Next, is to make a point to listen attentively. Don’t get distracted by your phone or anything else going on around you, and make an effort to focus on what the other person is saying.

Finally, try not to speak over the other person. If they’re still talking, let them finish before you start talking again. In the meantime, you can earnestly take into consideration their viewpoint before giving a response. That will show your sincerity and respect.


In conclusion, it’s not difficult to be a gentlemen when conversing. All it takes is a little bit of effort and mindfulness. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the way you speak will depend largely on your personal preferences and the situation you’re in. 

As long as you are aware of the situation and adapt your language accordingly – for example, using more formal words and expressions when speaking with superiors or elders. Also to not to let your perception bias get in the way of how others perceive you – after all, a true gent is always willing to learn and grow.

If you can manage to do all that, you’ll undoubtedly be seen as a true modern gentleman in every social setting. So go out there and start talking! The world is waiting to hear what you have to say.

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