Kixury Blog

Being a gentleman takes dedication, time and a lot of effort.

Find out at your own pace the changes you need to make to be a successful modern-day gentleman. One full of charisma, class and above all strong morality. 

Ethics & Ideas

Breaking the Procrastination Habit

Procrastination is the thief of time. How so? And more importantly, young gentleman, are you a chronic procrastinator? If so, how do you break the cycle of procrastination and start getting things done?

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Ethics & Ideas

Entering the Flow State

The Flow State. That euphoric, effortless, efficient and timeless feeling — a.k.a. being in the zone, in-form, having a runner’s high or peak performance. Have you ever felt like this at work, in the middle of a football game or studying alone at home?

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Ethics & Ideas

The Importance of Discipline in Achieving Your Goals

“Discipline is the key to success”. A phrase you’ve likely heard many times before, and in all cases, it rings true. Successful men in their respective fields always have a lifestyle of discipline and habit in place. This common factor is not a coincidence and in fact a tell-tale sign of whether someone will be successful in the future.

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Connections & Social Skills

Spoken Like a True Gentleman

Communication is a natural and essential part of everyone’s life, whether you are extroverted or introverted. Some of us sound confident and charming amongst family and friends but timid as a mouse in a different setting. The real question is, How do you speak like a true gentleman?

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Stocky Man Jogging with a Smile. How can obese men gain the same motivation?
Personal Impression

Obese to Beast: Guide to Gaining Workout Confidence

Hey, big guy! We see you and we understand how you feel. You’re carrying around a lot of extra weight, and it’s not doing you any good. You’re feeling sluggish and self-conscious of your body. You don’t feel like you can do anything about it.

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Men in black suit sitting
Ethics & Ideas

Chivalry, a Forgotten Value: What It Is and Why It Matters

Chivalry is a code of conduct that has been around for centuries, though today it is virtually non-existent. If you were to walk up to any young adult and ask them what chivalry means, 8 out of 10 cannot define it. Most of them probably have not even heard of it. Is Chivalry dead?

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