Men in black suit sitting

Chivalry, a Forgotten Value: What It Is and Why It Matters

Chivalry is a code of conduct that has been around for centuries, though today it is virtually non-existent. If you were to walk up to any young adult and ask them what chivalry means, 8 out of 10 cannot define it. Most of them probably have not even heard of it. Is Chivalry dead?

Well lucky for us, chivalry is not dead yet. But it is slowing dying out which is a shame because chivalrous gentlemen are a rare breed these days. On its own, chivalry is a philosophy very much like the samurai code of “Bushido” that guides young gents to be valuable individuals to society.

In this post, we’ll explain what chivalry is, why it matters and how to put it into action. 

What is Chivalry

Chivalry is a lifestyle, a way of being and of treating others. In medieval times, the chivalry code is a combination of highly desired qualities of a knight; particularly courage, courtesy, honor, respect, gallantry and helping those weaker than themselves.

But what does it mean in the modern sense? In simple terms, for men, it is the art of being a gentleman. It is about portraying an image of compassion, righteousness, and charisma.  

Just imagine, if more men used the chivalry code as their moral compass, they would try to live their lives with purpose and integrity which in turn fuels courageous acts that makes the world a much better place.

However, chivalry cannot be dumbed down to just small actions like opening doors and tipping your hat for the ladies. There is so much more to be uncovered. And don’t misunderstand, being chivalrous has nothing to do with looking down on women or being misogynistic. In fact, every man, woman and child can put it into practice.

In short, to be chivalrous, one needs to be kind, respectful, and carry themselves nobly. One way of looking at it, is to treat people the same way you would want to be treated yourself.

Chivalry is not Dead

While Chivalry is not dead, we cannot say that it is alive either. The word itself is barely heard in conversations or social textbooks in school. Even as a young adult, the first time I heard of the word was through a television show. Being curious, I looked it up online and found mostly incorrect and vague explanations of what chivalry is. No wonder chivalry is dying. Most sources are not able to comprehend the true meaning of the chivalry code.

I mean, there’s even a song titled “Chivalry is dead” by Trevor Wesley.

That’s why we could all use a reminder of what it means to be chivalrous. Though it may be a rare value to find in the world today, it still exists in the hearts of many good men. They just don’t realize that they are practicing it. So let us bring it out into the open by acknowledging its value.

Importance of the Chivalry Code

With all the problems plaguing modern society such as depression, hate crimes and school shootings, chivalry is still important in combating such issues. On the surface, it may not seem impactful when one individual practices it, but when a significant number of us put it into action, everyone will reap its benefits.

Firstly, chivalry is about putting others first. It’s about going out of your way to help someone in need, even if they don’t need it. A virtue that is sorely lacking in our self-centered society.

Think about it, these days, there are more labels and groups than there have ever been in the history of mankind. You can be vegan, vegetarian, LGBTQ, pro-choice or pro-life, republican or democrat and so many other labels. With chivalry, you do not need to think about someone’s label before handing out a helping hand.

It creates a culture where we as individuals are held to a higher standard of morality and are expected to act with honor and integrity regardless of the recipient of our assistance.

Secondly, chivalry is all about creating connections. It helps us forge relationships with others based on compassion and understanding. And in a world so full of boundaries, wouldn’t this help unite and strengthen us as one great big human civilization?

Lastly, isn’t it cool to be chivalrous? Take a step back and look at your favorite action heroes that you have grown to love such as James Bond, Spiderman, Superman and Eleven (just to name a few).

What is the common quality that has endeared these characters so close to our heart? Their righteousness? Honor? Courage? Willingness to step into the face of danger for others? Don’t all these qualities fall under the chivalry code?

So, it looks like Chivalry is not dead after all, especially in movies and television shows.

Traditional Chivalry

Chivalry is a term that is often heard but not fully understood. Let’s start by defining it. Chivalry is “the code of conduct knights were expected to follow, consisting of virtues such as courage, honor, and mercy.” In simpler terms, it is the medieval equivalent of being a gentleman.

Chivalry was at its peak during the Middle Ages, and it was considered an essential part of being a knight. A true knight was always courteous and polite to women, defended the weak and downtrodden, and never acted in an arrogant or mean-spirited manner. While the code of chivalry has faded from society in modern times, there are still remnants of it present.

Some examples of chivalry in action include opening doors for women, pulling out chairs for them to sit in, and giving up one’s seat on public transportation. These small gestures may seem insignificant, but they can make a world of difference to the person on the receiving end.

Examples of Modern Day Chivalry

There are plenty of simple examples of chivalry in the modern day if you know where to look. Here are just a few examples:

  • Holding the door for someone
  • Offering your seat on the bus or train
  • Returning a lost item
  • Often using polite expressions such as “thank you” and “please”
  • Standing up for someone being bullied
  • Offering a listening ear to a friend
  • Asking someone how their day is going
  • Having a constant smile on your face
 The list can go on, but you get the gist of it. Pretty simple, isn’t it? Don’t be shy and make these small changes. See the impact it has on yourself and the people around you.

Chivalry Is Not Exclusive to Men

Chivalry is not about treating women like delicate flowers that depend solely on men. It is about seeing them as equals and treating them with the respect they deserve.

Women can and should be chivalrous, too. In fact, one of the most important aspects of chivalry is that it is about treating others with respect and consideration, regardless of gender. Don’t let false and negative connotations of the word put you off being chivalrous.

Once again, chivalry is not just about opening doors for women or always buying drinks for your date. It’s about making a conscious effort to be kind, polite, and respectful to everyone you meet. And given with all the bad things happening around the world today, that’s a value that we could all use more of.

Only by embracing the principles of chivalry, we can create a more civilized and compassionate world.

And though it is an undervalued quality in modern times, there are still many men who seek to live by the code of chivalry.

If you’re looking to reconnect with the lost art of chivalry, start by living by these values yourself. Honor others, be courageous in your actions, and always tell the truth. When you do, you’ll find that chivalry is not only alive and well, but that it still has a lot to offer the world.

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